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Monday 2 November 2015

SEO Tip 1 - Meta Description

Most people are confused about how to use Meta Descriptions and end up using it incorrectly which.
Meta data serves very two simple purposes:

  • tells search engines what your site is about
  • displayed on search results, which tells people what your site is about

Meta Description doesn't actually affect your page ranking in the search engine results but it is important for what appears on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). The Meta Description is what people see when searching on search engines and it helps them determine whether or not to click through to your website. As mentioned in my previous blog, high rankings are meaningless if nobody clicks on the links because the description isn't appropriate for humans or you get poor quality clicks to your website which results in high bounce rate.

A couple of key points to keep in mind when writing out your Meta Description for your website:

  1. You are limited to 160 characters.
  2. If you do not specify a Meta Description, the search engine will either automatically use the first 160 characters of your page or post for the description, or will examine the on-page content for what it thinks is the best description to use.
  3. You want to have a naturally worded Meta Description, where it flows and easy to understand what your website page is all about.
  4. Don’t over use keywords in your Meta Description.

When your website design is being done you concentrate on how good your site should look and have it eye catching as well as making sure it is rank as high as possible on search engines (SEO), but what we forget is ensuring content and meta is perfect so you get relevant clicks to your website as well as the visitor understanding the content and finding what they are looking for which creates a conversion for your website. Overlooking the meta and contents simply reduce clicks and increase bounce rate.

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